I originally started this post as an ode to office work and its
monotony. Then I realized what a tired played out cliché that is. Everyone who
has a job that requires doing the same boring work day in and day out knows how I
feel, it’s nothing new. Those who've
gone before and those will come after will feel the same way I do. That my job
is the ultimate cliché, my cubicle is beige, I crunch numbers all day long, my
boss is neglectful.
Yep, that's me all day long, every day.
So here’s what I’ve realized, while my job is a cliché I am
I am an individual and so is every other person in every other office in
the world.
While my job plays out a tired old tune, my mind and heart dance to the beat of their own drummer.
I am unique, my art is unique what I think and feel and create
is unique.
And that’s my message for today.
You are unique!
Your job may be boring and beige, but you are not.
You are
brilliant and full of life and color.
You are wonderful!
p.s. the app, Paper, is a lot of fun, that's where I did the above art work.
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