Sep 19, 2013

Doodler Justified

Finally! I feel justified! I have always doodled. When I was in school I would doddle; often on my hand, Jeans or shoes, or desk (if the teacher wasn't looking). I enjoy the way the pen feels in my hand. I like the smooth glide of it across paper as marks and scribbles turn into designs and patterns.

Now as an adult, I doodle in meetings.  My meetings can sometimes run over an hour, snooze. To keep myself alert, I doodle. I try to keep my doodles as hidden as possible, but people like to comment as though they've caught me doing something wrong.

“It helps me focus,” is always my reply.

There’s never been any proof that doodling was an effective way to focus but now I feel justified.

Sunni Brown, the co-author of GameStorming, talks about the scientifically proven benefits of doodling in problem solving and creative thinking. 

“The doodle has never been the nemesis of intellectual thought,” she says.

I’m excited to finally have science backing me on this. Hope you enjoy the video of Sunni Brown explaining the doodle theory. 

Sep 5, 2013

Practicing and Simon

I enjoy drawing, or at least my form of drawing, which usual involves a lot of squiggles and shapes. Okay, I don't draw, I doodle, but I've always wanted to learn to draw.

I'm not planning on being a professional artist; however, I would like to be able to sketch what I see in my head sometimes. I think it would help me visualize and be a better writer. So I went to Google to try and find the best way to learn to do this. The census was to start with the basics.

Blah! Why can't I just be an awesome artist instantaneously? I suppose I could if I just used tracing paper and someone's art work.

But, no, I want to create my own stuff and there's only one way to do it. Start with the basics.

I found this video on YouTube; it's the most helpful instructional video I've come across. Others are good but, the filming here is clean and clear and his directions are easy to understand.

Guess I better get practicing.

Every time I think of drawing it turns into drawerings and if you don't know what I'm talking about than you haven't seen some of the classic SNL. Enjoy.